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torsdag, januari 27, 2005

Cacti in Chile and it's climate

Chile presents great ecological resistances, when extending from 18 S to the South Pole, giving opportunities for the diversification of this group of species in the following regions:

TARAPAC(18 - 21 S):
Zone where it doesn't rain at all, it's almost total desert. In the coast lives species like Eulychnia aricensis and Opuntia tunicata which takes advantage of the camanchaca (mist). In the Sandes at 2,000 meters Browningia candelaris, Haagacereus fascicularis and some species of Opuntia grows . In the Puna grows
Corryocactus brevistylus, Neowerdermannia chilensis and species of Opuntia.

ANTOFAGASTA (21 - 26 S):
Very barren zone where Echinopsis atacamensis predominates. Also Uebelmanniana and Opuntias grows here. On the coast line Eulychnia iquiquensis, Neoporteria recondita and the first species of Copiapoa can be found. The zone of Paposo presents a great amount of species such as diverse species of Copiapoa, Neoporteria, Opuntia and Eulychnia breviflora.

ATACAMA (26 - 29 S):
Desert area, but in the Copiapa river begins fertile valleys. In the coastal areas Eulychnia saint-pieana , Echinopsis deserticola , Eriosyce rodentiophylla and diverse species of Copiapoa,Opuntia and Neoporteria grows. Further inland shrubs of Opuntia miquelii and Opuntia berteri are characteristic. Between Totoral Low and Huasco there are great populations of diverse species of Copiapoa and Neoporteria.

COQUIMBO (29 - 32 S):
Semi-arid Zone with many different species of Neoporteria. Further, a great amount of Eulychnia, Echinopsis and Eriosyce sandillon grows here.

VALPARAISO (32 - 34 S):
Zone of Mediterranean climate and habitats very altered. Typical species living here is Echinopsis chilensis and litoralis, Neoporteria subgibbosa, curvispina and Opuntia berteri.

Mediterranean zone, densely populated and explored. Echinopsis chilensis, Neoporteria curvispina and Eriosyce sandillon can be found. Very above in the mountain range you can find the rare Austrocactus spiniflorus. It's covered by snow several months during wintertime.

Zone of Mediterranean climate and area which is very operated. Species which has managed to survive is Neoporteria castanea ,N curvispina and Echinopsis chilensis, Neoporteria horrida var. aspillagai. is extinguished.

MAULE (35 - 36S):
A zone of transition between Mediterranean climate and humid forest. Species found here is Neoporteria curvispina , N castanea , N subgibbosa, Echinopsis chilensis and Austrocactus hibernus.

BIO BIO (36 - 38 S):
It is a very humid zone, where Neoporteria subgibbosa grows in the coastal zone and in slopes of Antuco volcano you can find Maihuenia poeppigii.

ARAUCANIA and the LAKES (38 - 44 S):
In both regions, with a presence of very rainy forests and cold, it has not been possible to identify species of cactus here.

AYSEN (44 - 49S):
In places dominated by steppes of grasses and small shrubs, the Austrocactus patagonicus (forming cushions) is adapted to strong winds grows here

MAGALLANES (49 - 90S):
a Very cold are where no growth of cacti occurs. Thus, these species represent a group of typical plants of the barren and semi-arid zones, where very few forms of life can grow, giving to the landscape a great aesthetic and scientific value. In spite of it, the cactus are object of great extractive operation and strong destruction of the ecosystems where they live.

In Chile, still being protected by law, the 167 species and varieties distributed in 13 levels, 1 it is extinguished, 36 in danger, 88 vulnerable ones, 16 rare ones, insufficiently well-known is 5 and only 21 species is outside danger of being threatend.

The National Botanical Garden in Vine of the Sea, maintains from 1992 a collection of cacti originating of two sources:

mats rolfson, 15:17


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